JRAIA's side event at MOP34 in Montreal Canada
No.687 2022年12月
On 1st November 2023, JRAIA has hosted side event at MOP34 (Thirty-Fourth Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol) in Montreal, Canada.
Followed by the introduction of JRAIA and speakers, Ms. Asako Toyozumi of Ministry of the Environment (MOEJ) explained Japan’s policy and efforts towards 2050 Carbon Neutrality Goal and NDC (Nationally Determined Contribution). Continuously, Mr. Shuji Tamura of Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) introduced Japan’s effort to achieve the reduction target set by the Kigali Amendment and Japan’s Top-Runner program.
Mr. Tetsuji Okada of JRAIA explained industry’s efforts toward 2050 carbon neutrality, followed by Professor Akio Miyara of JSRAE to present latest activities in the academia.
At the end of the event, Mr. Okada introduced JRAIA’s International Symposium on New Refrigerants and Environmental Technology (known as the Kobe Symposium) to be held on November 2023, and HVAC&R 2024, both events to be held in Japan, requesting participation to the events.
Approx. 30 members from NOU (National Ozone Layer Protection Office) of government officials and industry related members attended the event, showing great interest in Japan’s latest activities by government, industry and academia.
Presentation materials of the event can be found here
The MOP, organized by UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme), is an annual meeting that aims to reduce HFCs in addition to protecting the ozone layer, and brings together government officials, including officials from each country's NOU, to discuss issues that were discussed in the OEWG (Open-Ended Working Group) in advance.
This year, MOP34 was held from 31st October to 4th November with attendance of approx. 500 members from government’s officials and industry related observers.
OEWG45 to be held in July, 2024, will continue the discussion following the decisions made by MOP34.
JRAIA's side event Mr. Hideaki Kasahara, JRAIA
Ms. Asako Toyozumi, MOEJ Mr. Shuji Tamura, METI
Mr. Tetsuji Okada, JRAIA Professor Akio Miyara, JSRAE
MOP34 Meeting Venue (ICAO)
Lunch break
Past events
■MOP31(November 2019, Rome, Italy)
■OEWG41(July 2019, Bangkok, Thailand)
■OEWG40(July 2018, Vienna, Austria)
■OEWG39 (July 2017, Bangkok, Thailand)